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Pool Closing

10% off*starts at $410

Whether you have a concrete, vinyl or fibreglass pool, our service professionals know the right way to winterize it. Rest assured that your pool will survive the harshest Canadian winter!


  • Clean pool including vacuuming (up to 45 min)
  • Lower water level below return jets
  • Blow out and plug off all suction and return lines
  • anti-freeze included for skimmer line
  • Winterize filtration equipment
  • Balance water chemistry
  • Shock pool with chlorine granules
  • Cover pool

Additional costs: (All prices subject to HST)

  • Concrete Pool: $50
  • Attached Acrylic Spa: $100
  • Attached Concrete Spa: $120
  • Auto cleaner: $30
  • Auto filler: $30
  • Second skimmer: $30
  • Waterfalls and water features: $30
  • Cartridge filter rinse on site: $50
  • Extra vacuuming: $95/hr.
  • Any necessary balancing chemicals
  • Any miscellaneous missing equipment such as plugs, water bags, etc.


If your pool is equipped with a cartridge filter, we highly recommend that you have your cartridge(s) professionally cleaned at least once a year. This service requires that we take your filters back to our shop where they are washed and soaked in a commercial grade filter cleaner that removes all the fine debris trapped deep in the filter media and will restore flow to your pool and lower system pressure.

At a minimum, having us take your filters at fall closing and completing this service will prevent flow issues early in the next pool season when filter demands are highest. Ideally every pool should have 2 sets of cartridges and anytime throughout the season that one set gets dirty, we can swap them and perform this cleaning to the dirty set so that you always have a clean set ready to go as needed.

* 10% discount only valid when customer prepays for opening and closing together

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